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Special Offer

 point.gif (94 bytes) Beejeer.exe is a interesting click-to-run game for win95.

 point.gif (94 bytes) Sexchange.avi show you a man-to-women way.

   point.gif (94 bytes) The first intimate encounter (word doc. in Chinese) a romantic and sentimental internet love affair you won't miss.

    point.gif (94 bytes) Starr Report on Clinton Scandal (excerpts, Word doc.)

 point.gif (94 bytes) Lyrics of Theme from Titanic

 point.gif (94 bytes) Flowers and Their Meaning and Lives (in Chinese)

 point.gif (94 bytes) Theater In Beijing and their Contacts (in Chinese)

Real Fun and Cool Jokes, Read it.

 point.gif (94 bytes) Wu Da Lang (in Chinese)

 point.gif (94 bytes) My Computer (in Chinese)

 point.gif (94 bytes) FAQ on Computers (in Chinese)

News and Press a good Chinese website with news and all kinds of information.

The New York Times You can have free access to all the contents in New York Times

CNN This site get famous during the Gulf War. At this site you have access to a search engine for any news in the past two years.

Financial Times Market and financial news and the current stock exchange rate in London is available.

Wall Street Journal Important Commercial and Financial Report as well as the profile of each company can be find here.

USA Today As interesting, as colorful as the printed issues, here you can find articles about life, sports, entertainment, economy and so on.

ABC Here news from the web. Everyday news and sports report.

Nanyyang Business This Malaysia web site uses simplified Chinese!

Beijing Youth Daily The printed issues is the most popular newspaper in Beijing. Try it on the web.

Singtao Daily is the first on line news paper in Hongkong.

Takungpao is a popular news paper in Hongkong.

Homelife The editors collect the current news and report for you in Taiwan.

Taiwan Strait Express reports news across the Taiwan Strait, you can get reports and comments on situation of the current separated two parts of China - Mainland and Taiwan.

Chinese Playboy is the Chinese edition of Playboy. This site is pretty crowded.

At Musee du Louvre
Photoed at Musée du Louvre

Music and Fine Arts

Musée du Louvre
MTV On Line
Sony Singers Art Studio
National Museum of American Art
Asia Pop Music
Fineart Forum

About Chinese Web Sites

I recommended several Chinese web site. But they are not only using GB code. So, you'd better use some of the multilanguange platform such as NJStar.


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For more to be arranged contact me at Tang Song Dynasty or at mGov Lab China

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