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1.Title:International meeting of civil volunteer groups for Environmental
Information Sharing in China,Korea and Japan
3.Place:KFEM office ,Seoul ,Republic of Korea
4.Participants:6 persons for china, 6 persons for Korea and 6 persons for Japan
5.Matters: 1)information exchange of environmental
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡protection in China,Japan and Korea
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡2)decision of environmental information data
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡3)division of works for network construction
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡4)cooperation plan after network construction
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡5)etc. matter suggested





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Internet and Environment Protection
Seminar on Environment Information Sharing of China, Japan and Korea
ZHOU Lin (from Greener Beijing)

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen:

Good morning. I feel extremely honored to attend this seminar in the term of environment protection among China¡¢Japan and Korea.

The world has entered into the digital era. All kinds of information flow fleetly in the wide space. The communication and share of information have become more important than ever. And the Internet serves as a medium at this point. I don't want to mention numerous advantages of Internet here. What I want to discuss now is the relationship between Internet and environmental protection.

In China, the popularization of Internet was just within several years. However, we are delightedly to notice that with the mushrooming of all sorts of commercial websites, environmental websites also take a place among them and come to their grandness. From government to civilian, the exchange of information of environment and the share of resources are stepped by the popularization of Internet. Greener Beijing Volunteers is an environmental NGO in China, which is originated from Internet The Volunteers gather at Greener Beijing and try to do something together for the deteriorating environment. The website of Greener Beijing is the first and most popular non-governmental environmental website in China. It provides a network platform, which contains a great volume of environmental information for share, and act as a bridge between the interested individual and different organizations.

At the same time, we started some characteristic special columns, for example: "Salvation of Tibetan Antelope", "Green Beijing for Green Olympics", "Green Power", "Say No to Wild Life Product" and etc. These columns attract a lot of participation and support from volunteers all around. "Online Green Community" of Greener Beijing is an active environmental virtual community, and is the first of its Kind in China. It becomes an Internet base for all the environmentalist and experts for information exchange and coordinated efforts of action. Up to now, the registered number of online volunteer has reached 2,000, and visit per day is up to 20,000, which ranks the No.1 among all the environmental websites. Different methods are employed to disseminate knowledge on environment protection, to promote environmental awareness and public participation. Together with the practical environmental education and environment protection campaign, Greener Beijing takes full advantage of Internet to make concerted and effective effort to protect our one and only globe. We have carried out several successful and famous environmental campaign in China. In China, Greener Beijing have also wide and friendly cooperation with other NGOs, Media circle and relevant government institution, etc. Website Greener Beijing has distinguished itself as the only non-profit award holder in several prestigious Internet awards in China. Among all the honors we received include:
¡¡CIS Top 100 Chinese Website List
¡¡99'National Internet Application and Design Award
¡¡98' China Homepage Design Competition Award
¡¡Ford Conservation & Environmental Grant 2001'
Bringing the role of Internet into full play is the most important characteristics for Greener Beijing to stand out of among other NGOs in China.
The motto of Greener Beijing is: Think Globally, Act Locally, Nurture Green Strength from Internet.

Various methods are employed to disseminate knowledge on environment protection, to promote environmental awareness and public participation. In 1998, we started to disseminate the ideas of separate collection of waste and the callback of used batteries, We also help volunteers in Fujian, Liaoning and other places to promote separate collection of waste and specially, collection of used batteries. In the January of 2000 we opened the project of "Save Tibetan Antelope". And in April Greener Beijing launched "Website Union - Save Tibetan Antelope", which by now have more than 100 websites participated in it. At the same time, the volunteers of Greener Beijing designed exhibition plates¡¢posts¡¢fly sheets and culture T shirts on their own, associating more than 30 leagues from different universities in Beijing ,jointly unfold the activities of exhibitions¡¢no-benefit-performances¡¢sales of work¡¢lectures and collections, which gave rise to intense resounds. In August, "Paradise on Fire" was accomplished by Greener Beijing volunteers. This song was composed for Save Tibetan Antelope Campaign. As the first Internet song in China, Heaven on Fire has gained much press attention. This campaign is praised as the biggest commonweal campaign in the Internet history in China.

April 2000, We launched A Green Beijing for Green Olympics campaign with Doctorate Class of Environment Science Department, Tsinghua University. Together with specialists and scholars, we make full explanation of how will a green Beijing a green Olympic will be and what is its affect. Feasible advices are also given to address the existing environmental challenges. September 2000, Greener Beijing Tableware Bag Campaign was launched. Volunteers made tableware bags by their own hand and distribute them to public to promote the idea of reducing the use of disposable chopsticks and other disposable goods as well. From November, we held Environment Forums in cooperation with Knowledge Workshop of Beijing Evening News. Speeches and discussions were held on different topics from Sand Storm, Green Olympics to NGO's efforts. Many environmental specialists and scholars were invited as lecturers. November 2000, in cooperation with the pop singer - Chenlin, who have been awarded the title of Green Ambassador, we launched Publicity Performance Tour Music Calls for Environmental-friendly Living. In the January of 2001,we collaborated with two NGO in Beijing to develop the project of "Green Power", impelling the progress of clean energy in China.

In 2001, we also launched campaign Say No to Wild Tortoise Product from Hainan Yangshengtang Pharmaceutics. We protest against the TV ad. which publicize the use of wild life product. We also call the public to boycott this kind of product and gained wide public support.. Then in March, volunteers visited Miluyuan to have environmental education activities there, observing birds, mourning the endangered species and helping the construction of the environmental education base. We also organize tree planting on the barren hills in the suburb of Beijing. What's more, during the long holidays as National Day and May Day, we started series activities of "Approaching the Nature": camping beside the Great Wall, feeling the beauty of nature, observing birds, camping, cleaning up the Great Wall. Both "Environmental Awareness Promotion Tour in the Bar" started in July and "The Environmental Education to the Kindergarten Child" which began in November were new attempts to publicize the awareness of environmental protection. The result proved to be quite successful. It was the great efforts of these volunteers that Greener Beijing was awarded "The Ford Conservation and Environment Grants" in 2001. More than 400 environmental organizations had applied for the prize.

In down-to earth deeds, we all the more realize that Internet can and should to exert a more important role in the publicity of environmental protection. Internet promotes the effectiveness of our work, and makes a better use of resources. Here came out the problem of the cooperation between NGOs and government ones and the cooperation among the NGOs. Though most of the environmental institutions of our government and environmental NGOs have their own websites, the exchanges and cooperation are still few and far between. In addition, as a result of the degree of recognition and the direction of media circle, the public's attention to environment is still limited. Thus, what we'd like to do is to strengthen the exchange and cooperation, realize the mutual benefits. We'd like to attract more people by more creative ways rather than the traditional ways. And we'd also like to penetrate our ideas into the general public in some easy-going atmosphere and thus to educate the people. Since most people attracted by the net are young people who are ready for new things, and also since Internet is such a thing that young people love to see and hear, diffusing ideas through Internet is effective and will lead to a better result.

On the other hand, the speed of Internet and its characteristic of eliminating the physical obstruction make the acquisition of information much easier and quicker, which play an important role in promoting the environmental industry.

It seems safe to say that besides the improvement of public consciousness on environment through the publicity and education, another important environmental problem to be solved is to develop science and technology on environment, the extent of which is reflected on the development of the environmental industry. The environmental problem is a global one, which demands the joint efforts of all the human being. In order to resolve the environmental problem, we should firstly make it a collective work. Thus, the share of environmental information becomes extremely important, while Internet makes it possible. And the share of information will inevitably speed environmental science and technology and environmental industries.

Having such a conception in mind, we are faced with another problem that is how to share. Perhaps we will think to make a website to lay out our techniques and environmental products. However, the space of network is so big that it can only be subscribed as "VAST". The possibility for our website to be clicked is quite low. That is to some degree, our share is only a kind of share formally. Then, how can we realize effective share?

Take an example. There is a kind of game in Chinese temples called "to feel the Fu(blessing) ".The rule of the game is as follows: You stand facing a wall which is over a decade paces away, with a "Fu" on it. You should firstly memorize the location of the word , then open you eyes to feel it according to your memory of the location. If you are able to feel it, it means that you will have a quite lucky following year. Otherwise, a mediocre one. Most of people will miss it, some miss a little, some miss it a lot. If we look upon the times that people feel the blessing as the clicking rates, then the best ways to increase the rates (ie: to share blessing together) is to write more Fus(blessing) on the wall or write the character Fu much bigger.

It is the same that in order to make our environmental information shared and exchanged in a more effective ways, in the first place, we should increase the number of visitors. Of course, we are not targeting at increasing the times to be clicked aimlessly, but the effective visit, that is the times for us serving as a network node to meet visitors' inquirers. We try to accept pertinent environmental nodes as much as possible and link them dynamicly. The most two obvious advantages among the plenty benefits are as follows:

a) To increase our effective visitor
Serving as a professional platform for exchanging environmental information, we ,through a series of plans and publicity, will make it more influencely and famous ,at the same time guaranteeing its authorities. Meanwhile, we have the catholicity on the terms of environmental information and technology, which makes us easy to be demanded. And because of the professional assortment, our visitors are more pertinent, that is the effective visitors.
To make the share of information more effectively and specially and thriftly.
b) Every professional website has a fixed group of visitors. The construction of platform will provide several decades' times' even hundreds times' volume of potential browsing to these member websites. In that way, we are able to realize our aim to share of information more effectively. With the leaguing of more pertinent websites, the specialization of our website will increase continuously, while at the same time the expense to sustain the platform descending.

To sum up, Greener Beijing wishes to build a nice homestead for mankind. Paying attention to our living space and coming up to environmental problems make us see it more and more clearly that no one is able to escape from the name list of peace breakers who pollute our environment. Meanwhile, no one is able to escape the name list of victims who suffer from the exasperating of the environment. Everyone is not only the casualty of the environment pollution, but also the maker of it, however, can also be the controller. More than a slogan and a topic, environmental protection is a systematic science, a consciousness, an idea and a way of life. Environmental protection demands attention from government, industry circle, scholars and the general public. Environment Protection is a shared responsibility of all nations. The share of the environment information is also key for the effective and wide environment protection cooperation, policymaking and coordinated action.

We hope to have a further discuss with all the friends who are interested in our ideas. Your letters are also welcomed. Our E-mail address is as followes: info@grchina.net

Thanks for your attention.

Translated by Greener Beijing volunteer: Wang leyan.


15:00£­15:30 Orientation(@KFEM)
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